Woman-drinking-coco-waterNothing Like the Real Thang What a blessing that we live on Maui and have access to fresh live coconut water.  And yet many people are drinking from the cans and cartons.  Nothing wrong with that… super convenient, BUT as Marvin reminds us… Ain’t nothing like the real thing.  Young Coconut Water straight from the nut is 75% more nutritious than packaged coconut water.  Living foods studies have proven time and again that nutrition value decreases once food is plucked from the source.  After three days “off the vine” any living food looses significant nutritional value.  I wonder if we could move a little deeper into live local nutrition… by reaching for the Real Thing.

SideBar-Image2Coconut Kuleana holds the vision of Maui residents eating more from the land and less from the check stand.  To serve that sustainable vision, Coconut Kuleana offers coconut delivery with a guarantee that your nuts are fresh, young and full of water.    If you are not satisfied with your coconuts we are more than happy to replace them.

Coconut-Opener-in-Action1.jpgOur price per nut may be a bit higher ($2.50) but the benefit of knowing your coconut water is live, local and guaranteed fresh… its well worth it.  Coconut Kuleana is keepin’ it real.  Ain’t Nothing like the Real Thing…  Call us to set up delivery 808-268-0534